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Ground Control to Major Lloyd!!!!!

edited February 2014 in Accessories

I have been commissioned to build a control panel for Lloyd, unfortunately not yet complete due to the Chinese New Year celebration which have slowed down parts delivery. But here is a sneak peak so far, do you think we have enough sensors?







  • looking real good, l can see a few of us trying to replicate this type of setup. Somehow l don't think l will even come close. Please keep posting pics and hints or build notes on parts,wiring hiccups etc without giving away all your secrets and skills to whole world ( just us!)

    Excellent work, Lloyd will be over the moon..

  • edited February 2014

    I have tried to accommodate every option, I believe that Lloyd is going to use this as a testbed for the Still dragon range that I have been collaborating with Lloyd to build for the forum members. I believe that it will also be available in kit form like the Still dragon boiler control kit. Its early days yet, but given time it will all come together. BTW, no secrets here, I am happy to help anyone. OD

  • I'm going to feel like a mad scientist with all those dials, buttons and switches.
    Buh-ha ha ha!

  • Very nice.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • The jokes on us, it looks fancy on the outside but if you open the panel there is a single on/off switch marked "distill". Everything else is just for show! I got the same thing hooked to a wood fired pot still! LOL!

    Seriously, looks great, not sure if you really need the "space/time carbonetic's ditherium analyser" as you must shut down in the same frequency and dimension that you started in but other than that, yeah, it rocks!;)

  • I have been caught up with work and haven't been in the shed or on the forum much. When I first saw this thread I was thrilled. I'm most certainly in on building automation. Can't wait to see the out come. You are brilliant OD. :D

  • edited February 2014

    @Goingbroke2 Lol to me it looks fancy on the inside too. I was thinking of throwing a couple of fancy Led lights inside for a display and some glycol chilling for the ssr's but there isn't much room at all. Only enough for airflow maybe?

    I haven't used my controller yet. Time will tell I suppose if every function I requested serves a purpose or its just for show.

  • @cunnyfunt, I also requested that @olddog include more bells and whistles than necessary so that after a few runs I'd know what was really needed and what was just fluff. Over time, he and I plan to work together to provide easy-to-assemble kits but right now I'm unsure of what features are truly needed - so I added everything imaginable.
    It's going to take me quite some time to nail this down but when we get all our ducks in a row SD should be able to offer a great package.

  • Praise the Lord! Still automation for the home distiller at an affordable price, that will be the next best revolution. ^:)^

    BTW In case you (the reader) is a SD copycat, this message is for you: EAT SHIT! \m/

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • @Moonshine said: Praise the Lord! Still automation for the home distiller at an affordable price, that will be the next best revolution. ^:)^

    BTW In case you (the reader) is a SD copycat, this message is for you: EAT SHIT! \m/

    Haha, my feelings exactly, though not so much on this automation panel as I'm knocking it off from @olddog, yet I'm usually irked at the folks that steal our ideas and products and openly claim to have invented and developed them (meaning they simply reverse engineered SD products).
    At least we give credit, and royalty, to the true developers.

    I tell everyone that we try our best but don't always get it right the first time since we don't have a proven example to copy. We test out, prove, develop and improve new ideas while always trying to keep low costs in mind. Once our new products reach a mature stage of development then they are quickly copied by the ripoff companies that cannot think for themselves.

    There are at least 4 companies that I know of that are currently relying on StillDragon as their R&D department (read STEALING from us) and at least another 2 that are simply buying and reselling SD parts and passing them off as their own at greatly inflated prices.

    It bothers me deeply that I cannot reveal, on my beloved StillDragon forum, the new technology that will be released with the 5" Crystal Dragon until it is produced and stocked by the distributors because, as much as we value the member's input about any new item, we can't let the copycats get a head start on stealing it. Hundreds of development drawings, almost 100 prototypes, dozens of computer models and test distillations, scores of changes and so far 28 custom punch molds have been created to start it's production.
    Dollars spent so far? A lot. The molds alone are topping $8K so far but I believe in this project. It ain't over, more needs to be spent, and we are committed to seeing this through. The prototypes to test during an actual run have exceeded $3K so far but we are committed. The engineering fee and time spent on the hundreds of drawings and changes?... Priceless and incalculable.

    This technology can be applied to any size column but will be released on the new 5" at first and a few other sizes of columns to follow within a few months after then.
    We're about 4 or 5 months from general release of the 5" and it will be a WOW.
    It's not just a 5" column, it is a completely new breed of distillation column.
    Couple that with a SD/OD automation controller and it will be an absolute killer.

    I've probably said way too much already.

  • I here ya ,I can not even start to tell you all the things I have made only to see someone eles prophit from. Damit!!!! But like all of you, we can say it was funnnnnn just doing it lol. And her my softer side (the wife) SAY YOU CAN NOT HELP YOUR SELF CAN YOU. you just have to let everyone see dont you lol.

  • @Lloyd please make sure that there's an 8"glass column variant - sounds just what I would love to have.

  • @whitelighting said: And her my softer side (the wife) SAY YOU CAN NOT HELP YOUR SELF CAN YOU. you just have to let everyone see dont you lol.

    I have the same battle with HER and must constantly remind HER that we must keep moving forward, knowing full well that our failures will not be copied but our successes will be.

    With the addition of SD Europe, our reach is truly global now. He will be fully operational soon and will add tremendously to our brand.

    @Grip said: Lloyd please make sure that there's an 8"glass column variant - sounds just what I would love to have.

    This new bit of tech was actually created for the 6" and 8" columns but I cannot power anything bigger than 5" so that's why the 5" is being produced first.
    (I must unplug appliances to insure the breakers don't trip when using all 7200 watts, which is my limit).

    When it is coupled with @olddog's control panel I expect great things to happen for any size column.

  • Well I am not trying to reinvent the wheel just copy what old dog did.

  • edited February 2014

    I think they meant commercial cheats can eat shit, @Drunkas... you are alright old mate, carry on copying :)

  • You betcha, anything that you can build yourself is always the way to go.
    @cunnyfunt is spot on, the companies that are ripping us off tick me off.

    But I digress, this thread is about OD's control panel. It would please me to no end to break it down into all the various pieces and try to develop a DIY kit - but AFTER I learn to use the thing - based on OD's designs.

  • Thanks cunnyfunt and Lloyd I think I new that in the back of my head. The biggest problem I am having in sorcing all the parts to build one like whats above is knowing what all the plugs and lights and swiches are named.

  • What parts can't you find?


  • edited February 2014

    I have gone as far as I can go until more parts arrive, then I can zip up the cable ties to keep everything neat and tidy.



    Mod, Fixed your post @olddog, If after uploading a photo, you hover over the thumbnail and click on insert image it shows in your post.

    800 x 600 - 96K
    800 x 600 - 98K
  • Looking great @olddog.
    It's going to be a huge step up from my DIY controller.

  • Looks fantastic od. Could ya give a quick speal about what each thing does?

  • Actually @jonno that might help me, too!! :D

  • Ok I will try to explain the best I can. There are two PIDs, one to control reflux by activating a solenoid valve to the dephleg feed input, the other to control the temp of the product condenser temperature using the same type of valve to the PC feed. There are 4 RTD PT100 sensors in the system one each for the vapor tube for reflux control and the other for the product condenser. The other 2 are to monitor the boiler temperature and the output temp of the dephlegmater. I have fitted DPDT switches to the outputs of both PIDs so that the valves can be operated either automatically by the PIDs or manually to prime both condensers or to re-stack the column if required. The product condenser PID has an alarm which can be switched on or off as required so that the temp of the product condenser can be monitored for over heat, this means the temperature of the product in the parrot can be set for calculating ABV. Lloyd also wanted to be able to turn off the cooling fan in the winter in China so a temperature gauge for the heat sinks has been fitted along with the on of switch for the fan.


  • It all sounds so good. Especially the alarm on the the product output. Should I lose cooling water while my back is turned I don't need to worry about spraying alcohol steam (I admit it has happened to me twice over the years and it was scary each time). The alarm should sound before anything critical happens and give me time to slap the Shutdown/Panic button.

    Being able to control the panel's cooling fan is a plus, too. I can do without the fan noise if it's not needed.

    We should have all the bases covered for safely controlling a reflux type still but until I can use it a few times I have no idea if another feature should be added. Or it might be perfect just the way it is!

  • I forgot to mention, if you wish to control reflux by dephleg temp instead of vapor temp, its just a matter of swapping the sensors which feed the reflux PID.


  • ow man there is so much going on in that box its all most over my head. Realy nice work mate.

  • You go man!!! I can see all working,but can see alot of getting used to. Im old school little wood or propain and yes i mean pain lol. useing electricity now and getting better. I will be whatching this unfold with fingers hope i can duplicate,for my owen fun in the shed!!!!

  • Like you and a thousand plus other users saying, we want automation.

    Mostly we ALL have distilling down pat but now we want to turn over the controls to the computer that can make the 1000+ adjustments per minute that we cannot. This is very normal because the human brain can execute about 3 commands per minute on average - my brain can easily do about half that.

    You know me and you know Olddog. Do you think for a minute we are trying to steer you wrong?

    Just give us 5 or 6 months to get the vendors lined out and you be dancing in tall cotton.

  • I know you all have you plans, and you panel is beautiful, OD... just want to throw another recommendation for a BCS462... I am extremely happy with it... as happy as I am with SD stills... mine that was originally designed is a little busy and tight on space(14"x16"), I would only do one SSR per element next time instead of switching each leg, and I will be building one a little less packed by using a larger panel for the commercial distillery...



    600 x 803 - 142K
    600 x 803 - 94K
  • I look at that and think "hmm, attention to detail.." Very nice work OD.

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