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The following information is about staying anonymous and is generally applicable for any kind of activity on the Internet. We are a worldwide community with different laws in every corner of the planet, and everyone has to think about his own safety.
Hello everyone,
I'd like to take the opportunity to tell you a little about your safety here at our place and on the Internet in general. Our site is hosted in Europe, we do not request any personal information from our members, and if you adhere to the following rules you are basically anonymous among us:
Do not use real names!
Do not use an e-mail address that reveals your identity! There are some anonymous disposable e-mail services available for free, like Mailinator or Spamgourmet. Please be away that the use of such a service can trigger our forum's SPAM protection, so if trying to register with a disposable e-mail address and not receiving the e-mail with the confirmation link, you will have to try again using another e-mail provider. If using a disposable e-mail address, you really should disable any e-mail notifications in your Profile › Notification Preferences. Most legit e-mail service providers let you choose a fantasy name, which may be the way to go.
If possible do not access our forum from a fixed IP address which can reveal your identity and/or location! Most stationary and mobile ISPs use dynamic IP allocation anyway, but if you are accessing our forum from work that may not be the case. You can check your Internet access by using a browser identification page like this one, look for the DNS-Name entry. There are some web proxy services available which let you surf the net anonymously by hiding your real IP address, but please be aware that the use of such service can trigger our forum's SPAM protection, especially if the proxy server's IP address has been abused / blacklisted before.
Make use of a commercial VPN (= Virtual Private Network) service that lets you access the Internet securely and takes care of your privacy from any device. I can recommend SurfShark which offers the very best service and features at a remarkably low price. Click here for receiving a 30-day bonus when signing up to SurfShark!
Do not post any pictures or videos that can reveal your identity!
Do not post any untreated photos directly from your camera which can contain your geographical location data! Please see ATTENTION: How to post Images & Video Links! for more details (as a matter of fact I am checking & correcting uploaded photos manually as long as we don't have an automatic picture-resizer & metadata-stripper function in place).
Our site is secured by SSL-encryption and only accessible through HTTPS, which means the data exchange between your browser and our server is encrypted and secure, so that no man-in-the-middle can eavesdrop on what you are doing here.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding your safety here in our community, please don't hesitate to tell or ask.
Moonshine - Your Devoted Forum Administrator
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Revision 201307191000
I had to rework the information above, as new thoughts came to mind. Please especially re-read points (2) and (3), as our forum's sophisticated SPAM protection system has already been triggered by the use of such services, which are not generally blocked by default, but put under review if previous abuse has been detected.
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Revision 201308051308
Added Spamgourmet as suitable anonymous disposable e-mail service provider.
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Revision 201407031100
Updated information about the use of SSL-encryption on our site, changed subject and intro.
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Revision 202005030800
Added information about the use of a VPN service.
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