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I'm new to distillation I've been training and learning on a continuous feed still now for a year. We are running pretty nasty wine with high ammonia. The problem is the still will build up high pressure and the condenser gets loaded with ammonia salts. Is there a way to purge and clear the condenser while the still is running?
Not sure what your still / PC configuration looks like but I don't see why you couldn't do something like this?
Prolly wouldn't waste much product at all if you had to douche your PC in the middle (or the like) of the run.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Although this reducer set up will optimize the performance of your thru tubes if you are running a shotgun.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Or could do the top mount with a spray ball.
Maybe a sight glass on the vapor inlet so that you'll be able to see that you don't send your CIP liquid down the vapor inlet tube if you send too much CIP liquid into the reducer if you see my meaning? If you gauge the optimal amount of CIP liquid however, the incoming pressure should prevent liquid from entering the vapor inlet providing that you don't completely overwhelm and flood the reducer with CIP liquid.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America