What does alcohol do to your body and brain?


  • Oh crap that's funny

  • That's got me wondering. If you make such a clean neutral for gin that you don't have a hangover the following morning even though you were absolutely legless last night, is the ethanol doing any harm?
    It could be the other crap that the corporate distillers leave in their product that causes all the problems.
    It only takes 2 or 3 shots of commercial gin or rum and my next day is a write-off.

  • You might not have the thumping headache but legless will always result in worse for wear the next morn regardless of the quality. Its more about how bad the hangover will be.

  • edited June 2016

    @jacksonbrown said: You might not have the thumping headache but legless will always result in worse for wear...

    I do my neutrals on 11 bubble plates. That is until I build a turret on my shed to accommodate 15. Even with 11 plates the neutral at 40% ABV is almost like drinking water. That's what I use for vodka and gin. If I get legless all I need to do is drink a glass of water before going to bed and I wake up as bright as a daisy the next morning. Being a software programmer I can't afford to get a headache. Since making my own the only stuff I make I have to be careful with is the rum. That's done fast on 7 plates so there are some nasties in it.

  • I never get a headache from my drink, but I can surely screw up my stomach!

    DAD... not yours.. ah, hell... I don't know...

  • Not to mention dehydration...

    I'm more like I am now than I was before.

  • A hangover is many things, the three main parts being dehydration, toxic contaminants, and ethanol byproducts made by your own system. Could be that your body is just very cooperative with your brain when it comes to that last part.

  • I can tell you that since I have taken all of the heads out of my rum, hangovers have become a thing of the past. I don't drink a whole bottle but have had a shitload in a night with friends and as long as I stay hydrated, no problem. Never been able to say that after a heavy night drinking anything else. Hank Jr was right about hangovers.

  • edited June 2016

    Alcohol flush reaction @ Wikipedia

    Not a small number of people aren't so lucky. If I recall correctly, there are a couple of other pathways that can be anormal to increase short-term toxicity. But you're right, I did over-emphasize the byproducts.

  • I like the Buffalo Theory

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