Copper 180

Check out our 180 degree 99.8% pure copper
with tri clamp ferrules. No foreign material in this 180 all copper!! We can do 1" to 6".




  • Who is this guy ? first visit looks like ?

  • That's Coleslaw. He augments many of his builds with SD parts.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • @BullittProof, we all love good copper work, but this brings me into the difficult position of having to remind you of our Terms of Service, which clearly state:

    Please note that advertisements (other than by the StillDragon Distribution Network), chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are inappropriate on this community.

    We have a very relaxed and well-off community and try to limit moderation to the absolute necessary minimum. In contrast to other forums, where content gets deleted or modified all the time, we barely have to intervene.

    It's all about contribution, active forum members providing quality content are less likely to be seen in the wrong light when letting others know what they do, but just coming here to place hints to own commercial endeavors is just bad advertising.

    I hope that note is not putting you off, we really like you to share and contribute your knowledge and experience, which is why I've moved this posting to our classifieds category as is.

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • MOONSHINE ya did good... cleaning up the post... thanks sir

  • Keeping our forum clean & tidy :-h

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

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