Percentage of backset to use in a wash?

What is a good percentage of backset to use in a wash?
Can you use 50% or 75% if you have it? Will too much give you too strong a flavor in the next runs?
I thought I had read that some where but I'll be darned if i can find it now.


Best Answers

  • I use 25% in my sugar washes,seems to work good I have had problems when going to 50%,it has been my experience to much backset slows it down! Starting to get into mashes so dont know yet but going to start at 25%.

  • edited April 2014 Answer ✓

    It depends what it is and how long you inend to run it.

    I have done plenty of 100% fruit washes that get 1 repetition using 100% backset and sugar. I'd then blend these if the second wash was good enough to make the fruit go further.

    Using UJSM though i use 1/4 or 25% as if i go higher with the backset it will eventually over a couple of gens drop the PH to show stopping levels and the wash will stall.

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