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Hey guys,
I'm trying to better understand my plated column setup.
The setup consist of a 250L kettle with a 6'' flute column with 10 sections. Available power is 16500 watts. Usually I heat up using the whole 16500 watts, then I switch to 4400 watts to slowly fill up the flute.
Using 4400 watts and setting the reflux to produce 95%ABV+ neutral spirit, my take off rate is around 3.5L/hour. (I was watching @captainshooch pulling around 7L/hours in the 16 plates 4inches column setup)
How could I ramp up my take off rate while keeping my ABV at or above 95% to produce neutral spirit? Is it the usual take off rate for a 6 inches column?
Am I completely misunderstanding the logic?
What is the cooling media entry temp for the reflux condenser?
What bubble cap system do you have?
Sounds like you need to put more vapor in suspension and then also increase the reflux ratio.
Also, 10 plates is not at all the same as 16
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Cooling media entry temp for the RC is 10 Celsius.
The bubble cap system are the standard one, not the ProCap.
If by putting more vapor in suspension you mean pushing more power, I get flooding. Like some vapor going up the downcomers.
Ok 10 C is very good. That should definitely keep your flow rate low. Does it remain 10C for the duration or a steady climb?
You can substitute one of the bubble caps for a downcomer to try and get better hydraulic behavior.
Honestly though, this is why we started producing the ProCap series.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
I just found out an answer from Loyd on a previous thread. I have the old style downcomers with a lot of "teeth". Loyd suggested to bend down every other teeth.
On my 6" plate I have 3 downcomers and 8 bubblers.
Any updates on this?
Seems the tooth modification would provide a marginal (at best ) improvement?
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Hopefully this helps, and I haven't played with 6" but have run my 4" setup pretty hard
I'd have a play and running your reflux flat out see how much power you can run before you push past the condenser or flood the plates.
If you push past the condenser at say 5000w see what abv your at and what the output speed is
Then dial the power back until you hit the ABV your aiming for. May also help if you advise the charge 10% of your boiler
With my 4" setup I can run my super RC at full bore and have 4800w running and still hit 95% out of a 10% boiler charge (that's with 7plates and a 510mm packed section)
Ok so I got to play with the still again. After modifying the bubble cap I can reach +- 8L per hour at +-92% ABV. 5500W pushing the still. (200L 25% ABV low wines)
I get a small decrease in output speed and ABV as the run go on. Is it normal?
If I want to reach 95 ABV output without being too slow, what setting should I change ? More power + more RC or will I get the same result ?
Yes, slowing collection speed and reduced ABV is normal as the ABV within the kettle becomes more depleted. However, there are some things you can do to optimize.
You can increase your heat input to put more vapor into suspension while simultaneously increasing your reflux ratio to insure the ABV remains as optimal as possible.
How cool is your cooling media? How much additional increase in cooling media flow can you provide?
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Cooling media is between 8 to 14 Celsius depending on the season. Our needle valve for the RC is almost closed during the run. Output cooling media from RC is around 67 Celsius.
Ok , open the needle valve up more to create additional flow / reflux.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Also, make sure that you optimally enrich the column prior to pulling off any product. Do this by putting the system into 100% reflux mode.
To do so, you may need to reduce power and increase cooling media flow to the dephlegmator.
The idea being to shift as much alcohol into the column as possible without collection of any distillate. Run in 100% reflux mode for perhaps 20 minutes. Make sure you have uniform plate behavior.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
In my opinion, that is FAR to cold... what you are likely doing is sub-cooling the vapor to cold liquid which wastes boiler energy.
I suggest using a recirculating pump and some sort of tempering valve to flow a larger amount of 60 degree C water through the RC... Let the pump recirculate the RC water in a loop like the water pump in your car's engine, that is, at full speed, while introducing just a small amount of 10c water by controlling entry of cool water or exit of hot water with a small valve.