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Hi Everyone,
Long time drinker, no time distilling. We have a blueberry farm and prices for the crop have really fallen off so its been a struggle. Had the thought to distill blueberries into a spirit of some kind. Never paid it much thought but saw a posting online a bunch of equipment. Bought it without thinking too much. I think what I've got is a 4" Dash cap column still, water pump and a huge milk can boiler, guessing 300 litres or so.
Eventually if all is well we want to get into larger batches but to start what do you folks recommend doing?
Where can I get a smaller kettle that will mount onto this same column?
Also what are all these controller components that came with it?
What continent are you in?
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
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Read up on himbeergeist.
We've done blue berries but I wouldn't bother fermenting them.
Can convert a beer keg and have modified or pick up a milk can kettle that's already been appointed with all the necessary fittings.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
i've got the kettle ready now. why not ferment blueberries?
Not enough sugar content in the fruit
There's 10% in blueberries and 16% in grapes. I would think it's worthwhile?
Only 8% in peaches and I've fermented them successfully? Fuck, there's only 6% in watermelon and Tom T Hall is happy enough to write a song about watermelon wine.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Better than raspberries but it terms of yield and flavour extraction I still think there are much better ways to go about it than fermenting.
Well? The guy is asking for help?
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
What are the ways...?
Probably better return on Blueberry jam than blueberry brandy and much easier.
Read up on Himbeergeist.
All I've read about has them at 8% while plumbs and mirabelle come in much higher. Considering that apples are between 11 and 17% and my ciders end up on the weak side, I never bothered with blueberries. Sure you can ferment but I wouldn't really expect a high yield without adding sugar.
If I'd be going for maceration/distillation instead (that's @jacksonbrown's reference to the himbeergeist)
@bigsipper. Looks like you bought a lot of fun. Work but fun work. And a lots of great booze.