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I finally found some malted Rye and I am about to buy some, if I can during the quarantine. And I was thinking of doing more of a light rye at about 20% of the grain bill with 80% being malted wheat or a barley Pilsener malt.
Any Rye makers here have any suggestions on the %age rye that is good?
I don't want to do over about 40% as the still I am using only has immersion elements. I have stacks of betaglucanayse to break up the goop so to speak so that's not such an issue. My 240L bain-marie boiler is in my tank guys shop as my garage is full. I am still waiting on the title transfer for my distillery shed. 9 months and counting now.
Be nice combo with Triticale if you have some enzymes. Just saying.
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Well mate. I have 200kg of triticale i have to use.
I made wonderful Rye with 55% malted Rye and 45% malted barley... the brewery next door used colorful language when lautering... but it made a great product, but be very careful of scorching elements if not using steam or bain marie...
@cothermandistilling, that is why I want to go for a lower level of rye. And maybe ad a touch of Quinoa for some more body so to speak. thanks for the feedback.
to use the term 'Rye Whiskey', we have to be over 50% rye...
I don't think there is a specific %age requirement here. Most Argentines have never tasted a rye whiskey at all. Time to change that when my shed finally gets its title transferred.