Tequila Rose Recipe

edited February 2018 in Recipes

Couple of people at the pub were asking me about a method to make Tequila Rose.

Tequila Rose @ Liquor.com

I do have to say it's the first i've ever heard of it, but seems i'me the only one.

I found a few recipes online that were all similar to the one below, but hoping someone had a tried and true favourite they have tweaked.


  1/2 Cup Tequila
1 1/2 Cup Sweetened Condensed Milk
1     Cup Cream
  1/4 Cup Strawberry Syrup
2     Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
      Garnish: Strawberry


  1. Combine sweetened condensed milk, cream, strawberry syrup, vanilla extract, and tequila in a blender. Blend thoroughly to mix.
  2. Pour mix into a glass over ice and garnish with a strawberry.


Homemade Tequila Rose Liqueur @ Tipsy Bartender

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