Anyone bothered watching that show Alaska Proof?

From what I've seen (maybe I'm late to this party) not much to do with actual distilling, just a bunch of ridiculousness that is essentially an advert for Alaska Distillery. The ones that interested me from a legal standpoint was running on top a mountain under northern lights; very pretty and must have been fun, but still really f'ing illegal. I mean these guys were talking about selling the product for $200 and I'm trying to figure out how in the hell they could legally sell a drop not made on the bonded premises.

The other was adding caribou antler, which honestly I don't know where to start apart from being a not nice flavour (they supposedly do vodkas) but also a more than small doubt in formula approval.

So basically I think this show is about 95% bullshit

ok my rants over haha


  • This show is a potentially bad omen for craft distilling. My IDIOT hypothesis states that when an activity becomes commonplace on television (Idiots Doing It On Tv), said activity has jumped the shark.

    When there were a dozen shows on TV about flipping houses and it seemed like that was a license to print money, boom, the housing crisis exploded.

    There are several shows about gold mining and now gold is at multi year lows.

    Now there are at least two shows that feature distilling. It's getting close to saturation.

    Also, it's a terrible show and obviously scripted, but that's to be expected I guess.

  • Reference "Moonshiners".

    These shows are doing nothing to help our cause.

    To give you an example of what people think, I gave out about 15 bottles of my rum this year for Christmas. Of course I got 15 thank you's but also about 3-4 comments on the "moonshine". Pay no attention to the fact that I fermented 100% molasses then distilled same product. Put into oak barrels for a length of time before aging it more before bottling it with a label that states "Capt Ron's Original Dark Rum". Anything that doesn't come from a distillery is just "moonshine".

    12 of those 15 will get no more "moonshine" from me just for being idiots.

  • @FloridaCracker said: 12 of those 15 will get no more "moonshine" from me just for being idiots.

    cool, now I can get one ;-)

  • @CothermanDistilling said: cool, now I can get one ;-)

    Me 2!

  • edited January 2016

    When I first started brewing beer I offered my dad one. He said, "Why would I want a pig in a poke?"

    It hurt my feelings, a lot. My beer, even back in the beginning, was very good. Around 15 years later he asked me why I never offered him any of my homebrew. I told him I didn't want him to have to choke down a pig in a poke. He did not even remember making that remark, and apologized sincerely.

    Sometimes people say stupid shit without thinking about the effect it has.

    I wish he were still around to try my gin. Gin was my dad's favorite libation. I think he would like what I'm doing these days - if he could get past the illegal part of it.

    I'm more like I am now than I was before.

  • @CothermanDistilling said: cool, now I can get one ;-)

    Absolutely. Any of you guys that I meet in person will get a bottle. That's the great thing about making so much. When are we going to do that "rum conference" that we discussed? Blueberry season is right around the corner and I will be slammed for a few months when that starts.

  • Kapea, I'm sure that no harm was meant in any of their comments. I just wanted to cleat it up to them that there was at least 5X the work involved in what they got vs some generic moonshine. Besides, when's the last time they saw moonshine that was a nice auburn color?

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