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Whats in your Glass?

After drinking two home brew IPA's I've got this...

30ml (1oz) of Apple Pie
15ml of home made vanilla essence (rum base)
grated rind from 1 lemon
juice from 1 lemon
topped up to 400ml with Costco ice tea mix

yum. (bitter like the IPA's)



  • edited January 2014

    Its mid 40's today...

    big glass
    large scoop or two of ice-cream
    large pour of real strong coffee hooch (100mls?)
    add a little milk just to make it easier to mix

    I don't mind if you think its a girlie drink, its cold and hits the spot.. the wife wants one and I used all the ice-cream....




    800 x 600 - 43K
    800 x 600 - 56K
    800 x 600 - 71K
  • 2yo rum from my 220L barrel

    mixed w/ coke, cause i'm a pussy

    220L @ 65% = 2860L of %5 booze. @ 330ml glass = 8666 glasses... fark....

  • How's it taste?

  • 5% ??? That's well below pussy @Law_Of_Ohms, it's not even manly. Sippin is at 35 to 50%. Guzzling is at 12 to 20%. Serious drinking is always at 40+% !!!!!

    I'm a sipper. (Though I have been know to guzzle). And serious drinking is a hobby of mine.

    You irk me with your 5%. I hereby banish you to forever wallow in vaginaville - and I do kinda envy that :D

  • 5% ??? That's well below pussy @Law_Of_Ohms, it's not even manly.

    That's hilarious! ! ! !

    Right now I'm on my 2nd Monster & Vodka: 5oz Vodka

    8oz Monster (sugar free)

    A good bit of water

    Top it off with some ice cubes

  • 2nd High Ball glass, 1/3rd faux bourbon 2/3rd's water...2nd better than first!

    DAD... not yours.. ah, hell... I don't know...

  • Not getting the monster thing.

    Second is always better than the first dad........perhaps I should start starting with the second monster?

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • edited July 2014

    Recreational Mint Julep on a not all that warm Summer Evening

     20 g Light Corn Syrup
     60 g Self-Made Rye Whiskey aged on Oak Staves @ Cask Strength
    200 g Freshly made Mint Tee with Mint from own Herb Garden
          Filled up with crushed ice to the top in a large Copa Glass

    This drink is in compliance with our Safety Guideline. :)


    Very interesting flavor profile, the Rye on Oak with Mint on Light Corn Syrup has just a hint of sweetness with the refreshing power of mint, take small sips and suck on the crushed ice. :-bd

    800 x 600 - 41K

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

  • Nope, sorry. You messed up but I will try to help you fix this.
    Take the cask rye whiskey and pour it into a glass about half full and add water to the top of the glass. Drop in one ice cube if absolutely necessary.
    Put all else in the trash and enjoy a truly great drink.

  • That's no Mint Julep, that's for regular hydration during the day... :P

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • @Lloyd said: Nope, sorry. You messed up but I will try to help you fix this.
    Take the cask rye whiskey and pour it into a glass about half full and add water to the top of the glass. Drop in one ice cube if absolutely necessary.
    Put all else in the trash and enjoy a truly great drink.

    Sound good except for adding water, my personal choice in a heavy glass- add ice, small slice of lime or lemon, top up with whiskey, enjoy

  • edited July 2014

    Dark beer all day today and tomorrow for me.

    Tamworth Dark Beer Festival

    emails may be answered but may not make much sense from lunch time on. :))

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • edited July 2014

    @punkin, that sounds great, show us some photos! I could use a dark craft beer right now! Oh wait, it's 9 AM, so better NOT! :))

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • How about some nice strong Goryangju made of fermented sorghum? Had some at that famous reception... B-)


    438 x 483 - 33K

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • please have a look on the tasting glass....

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

  • unfortunately cab sav!

  • Classic Gin Tonic

          Coppa Glass filled more than half with crushed ice
     60 g of your favorite Gin
          Splash of your favorite Bitter
    200 g of your favorite Tonic

    This drink is in compliance with our Safety Guideline. :)

    Recommended TV show for this drink: HBO's VICE :-bd


    800 x 600 - 40K

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

  • edited July 2014

    By Courtesy of @Smaug, this may be the first real Moonshine that made it to Austria ever!

    Thank you Larry, our gift box already arrived on Friday, all intact. We love you! :)


    Can't await to make the first sip (not before the evening of course)!

    600 x 800 - 44K

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

  • That "moonshine" was hand made by Rusty Figgins.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • Pin tail pale ale

  • And we have Rusty Figgins among us! Computer, ping @ProofProf to make him see this. Hi Rusty! :)

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • @cooperville said: Pin tail pale ale

    And a very nice drop too.

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • @cooperville said: Pin tail pale ale

    Gotta provide visual proof! :)

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • Been drinking Baijiu(moutai this weekend) but havnt been able to get hold of, or should I say translated a recipe for it as of yet. I dont speak mandarin and in laws dont speak english but he visited a factory to find out how its made for me. Came back with a bunch of videos etc. Uncle will be translating basic gist of how its made for me.

    Giving a New Zealand made bottle a try when son born in next week or two. Thought Taizi, A NZ made Chinese spirit was fitting for a NZ Chinese son celebration. Nice packaging but in laws drink some pretty expensive stuff so we will see how it holds up to what im used to.

    image image

    471 x 840 - 18K
    471 x 840 - 19K
  • edited July 2014

    so, we have tasted the "7 Stars Moonshine" yesterday. It tastes very clean, close to vodka, with a hint of grain, not fresh but mature. It is also amazing, how round and smooth the mouthfeel is, considering, it has 50% ABV. A wonderful product, with a new flavor profile for us. Very interesting, it certainly induces to drink more! Thanks @Smaug again, you have really made us a perfect present!

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

  • Whiskey made from a partial mash of golden promise barley and liquid amber malt in my glass currently. Started as an experiment but it's about the only thing I make now. Nice white but amazing after oaking for a few months. Way too easy to drink.

  • @sunshine... if you have not seen the commercial...

  • thanks - it fits to the products! (Well made and pleasing for the eye) B-)

    StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area

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