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With one of the Baby Dragon glass parrot prototypes I created a simple experiment to record the losses due to airing the product. My thermometer only reads in F.
Day 1 Alcohol 57% => 60.5°F
Day 2 Alcohol 55% => 59.0°F
Day 3 Alcohol 54% => 60.0°F
Day 4 Alcohol 51% => 60.0°F
Day 5 Alcohol 46% => 64.0°F
I don't know the relative humidity and I know it has a big affect but just don't have that info.
The alco is difficult to read in the pictures but the loss of alcohol, both in %ABV and quantity is evident by the results and the drop in product in the parrot. Quite the Angels Share!
Considering I lost about 10% ABV in only 5 days is quite a lot.
I'll let this experiment run for another week and report back.
@Lloyd Quit taking sips.... I skews the results...
Haha, I'm a 'The shotglass is half full instead of half empty' kinda guy :))
You should also weigh the liquid so you can determine how much water evaporates as well.
Easier to calculate by the mouthful I find.
Over the last week the ABV has dropped to about 42% and seems to stay there even though the total volume keeps dropping, suggesting that both alcohol and water are evaporating at about the same rate.