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Hi all; for what it's worth, here is an article about "Nip of Courage'. The owner makes eye-to-eye contact with boutique spirit distillers and offers to organise distribution for the product.
(personally; I'll be up at the Atherton Tableland soon and checking out the Mt Uncle Distillery)
Excellant. Best wishes as they get under way.
The US could use more of this.
Dealing with Brown (among others) is a series of jokes at the expense of the distiller. Especially when the distiller has secured demand in his own back yard and yet the distributor sits on their hands.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Yeah saw this the other day Punkin, really interesting. Wonder if they could loosen the regs a little more and let the industry take off. ABC had report about 6 months ago about the Tassie whiskey distilleries. They are making some of the best whiskey in the world down there, at least two of the top 10. The investment regime is interesting, you can invest as a single barrel, and when it matures you get the majority of the profit.
Hi rossco
Did you see this video posted a couple of weeks ago?
Handmade, Aussie gin leading the way in spirit's comeback @ SBS
Interestingly it shows Senator Nick Xenophon acknowledging the high spirit excise faced by Aussie Distillers.
Among other things, the video notes how Aussie Wine producers get a lot better tax breaks than distiller.
With people working on problems like high taxes and distribution issues, then Aussie Distillers have a bright future to look forward to.
What we all can do now is contact the Senator with complaints about the unequal playing field and government red tape holding back local entrepreneurs
Contact Nick Xenophon
I think the tax is perfect the way it is to be honest. Considering that 1 person in Australia dies every 8 min from an alcohol related death. I think the tax is fair. High tax is not going to stop consumption but it benefits the health system. If craft distilleries can't afford the tax then go and do something else. That's my small town opinion anyway. They are drug manufacturers after all. Drugs are expensive ;)
It is pretty unfair to compare the "tax breaks" given to wine producers over distillers because basically wine producers are farmers too. If distillers want to farm all their own grain or corn I'm pretty sure they would get the same tax breaks as wine producers.
The excise is the same though? Don't really know.
Hmm . . . "drug pusher". I've thought of it like that . . . .
I just like to relax at the end of a hard day with my favorite flavours.
I know some wine estates don't produce all their own grapes, but buy them in to boost volume.
I wonder how that works tax-wise (I'm not busting to know).
That should be:
I've NEVER thought of it like that . . . .
Got my liver test results back.
All is fine . . . . no need for this puppy to haul off to a doctor.
Interesting perspective. You area assuming that the demand curve is relatively elastic, meaning that if the price goes up, people buy less- the product is price sensitive. I'd have thought the people who are most affected have an addiction and will consume no matter what the price- inelastic.
The human psyche is more complicated. Since I started this hobby I drink way less because I am more conscious of the need to be aware when the supply is endless. Go figure.
lol Well I am kinda weird but i do see BWS as the biggest drug dealers in this country. I am not against this, I am just more sensitive to it as I am heavily opposed to any type of prohibition. I just think that if the government and the general population support alcohol use than they should be legalising, supporting, taxing and dealing with the problems associated with other drug industries. I just detest the hypocrisy.
If Nick Xenophon, wants my attention he should be thinking about the big picture (not tax breaks) instead of watching re-runs of himself on TV while sipping on his single malt...
I did do a little bit of checking and wine producers do get taxed differently from beer and spirits. I am interested to know why. I will ask my economist accountant over dinner tonight :)
The excise gets past on to consummers anyway. I cannot see how it would effect craft distilleries.
Alcohol (and any drug) is slightly different to other consumer goods and services when it comes to elasticity. I read a economics report about how the demand for alcohol and hookers went up after the GFC when a lot of people lost money and jobs. You also have the example of the alcohol prohibition when money was scarce and alcohol was expensive and yet people still bought it. Its an escapism commodity.
Alcohol prices are generally elastic. We are a long way off before it hits the inelastic point. A fully blown alcoholic has a different curve but still will be effected by price.
The exuberant tobacco tax in this country is a better example I reckon. The government say the tax on tobacco is the direct cause for the declining use. I say that is bullshit. Ask any smoker and most will tell you that we are a long way off not being able to afford to buy a pack of ciggies. The declining use IMO is related to the education programs and the stigma associated with smoking in public places.
Hypocrisy between the ciggy industry and the alcohol industry just smacks me in the face. Where is Nick Xenophon? Probably shooting off his mouth in front of the camera somewhere.
Even "Aussie" culture needs a good shake up. "Get pissed last night did you son?? Haha good for you." ...."OMFG you what? You took extacy and had a nice time with your friends on the dance floor with lots of hugging and didnt get into any alcohol fueled fights?? I disown you you druggo"
I generally only have 2 standard drinks a day. Have done for the last 20 years. I consider myself addicted but not alcoholic in the general sense. I probably could go without but I aint ever gonna try:)
meh tax is never to low.