StillDragon® Community Forum


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Welcome to our Next Generation Community Forum!


Finally, we have our own place for discussing matters important to us. This is mainly about StillDragon products, the one and only completely modular distilling equipment, its configuration and use, and anything else that comes to mind. If you are interested in a StillDragon, this is where you belong to get all the info at first hand.

The forum's user interface and its way of handling things may look unfamiliar at first, but I'm confident that once you get used to it you'll love it and won't look back!

This private non-profit community site is run by the StillDragon User Group, and all members of the StillDragon team (Lloyd - the founder of StillDragon, his worldwide distributors and people involved in developing StillDragon products) will participate.

Feel free to look around and watch our brand new forum get filled with interesting and engaging discussions. As you surely have already seen, here we call it Discussion instead of "Topic", and Category instead of "Forum". When starting a new discussion you can choose between a normal discussion and a Q&A (by clicking the drop-down menu on the right side next to the New Discussion button and then selecting Ask a Question), which allows you to designate a discussion as a question and then accept one or more of the comments as an answer.

Try accessing our site using your mobile phone! You will be surprised how easy it is to participate on the way with our forum's native mobile support even without Tapatalk.

If you have any questions about the forum and its unique features please don't hesitate to ask in the Introduction category. I'll try to mention some of the interesting characteristics later on.

That's it for a short introduction to our community, now let's get things rolling! :)


Moonshine - Your Devoted Forum Administrator

Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum



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