Florida & SE US

How did our Florida and SE US family make out? Helene came out of nowhere. Have some friends in the Carolinas and Tenn that got absolutely slammed.


  • No major issues in SE Fla that I am aware of.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • oh, it was ugly... 54 inches outside the house, 46 inches of seawater inside the house... main issue is that Helena at the speed it was caused a huge 'wake' that went to 10' of surge, which is probably a 10,000-100,000 year anomaly... Our entire neighborhood of 1950's homes were catastrophic losses, and the saltwater is pervasive and if you can use a fire hose to wash your house out, you best do it, the salt vapor destroyed things, even stainless steel things, a month later in the garage that were above the water and after I had hosed and power washed the epoxy floor.. the salt vapor just oozes our of every nook and cranny... we are now living in the distillery office, I have new drywall in, and hope to be textured and painted next week, and hopefully the new porcelain tile will be in next few weeks after...



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  • Bad luck. Where we live so far down south, we have no idea what it is like. It's completely foreign.

  • Well, glad to hear you are OK, hopefully insurance covered enough to clean up and rebuild. Brutal.

  • WOW! glad you're OK.

  • That's crazy. Sorry to hear it you so hard. Good luck with the repairs.

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