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SD Alcometer

Will someone please tell me the length of the SD alcometer, from the tip of the base to the 96% mark? I am making a parrot, and need to know the measurement for the OAL length of the parrot tube. My alcometer is in the mail.......



  • 8-3/8"

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • They work a charm,and damn things are not trying to hide the #'s all the time :-c

    It is what you make it!

  • edited November 2013

    And in case someone is ever searching for that info, the correct name of the SD Alocohol Meter is:

    StillDragon DragonFire Alcohol Meter

    Your Place to be >>> <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • The name came from Punkin when we were developing it because some customers were sensitive to having the word "Alcoholmeter" in their shipment so we removed the word when we had the triple scale printed and used "DragonFire" instead.
    The devil is in the details, as they say. The SD advantage is we get to play with new ideas and make changes, great and small, that affect the distilling community.

    Because customers asked for the alcoholmeter to be shipped separately, sometimes at great expense to them, led to the DragonFire. By changing the name it opened the door to customizing the triple scale. After all, why not try to make it better if we could make a change?
    It really was customer driven idea.

  • @bentstick +1 on work like a charm!! no need for turning and spinning...Ahhh so nice, it's almost too easy :)>-

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