You do realize, that Classified Ads are for second hand goods only, right?
So you are looking for a used Vodka column, but you did not specify the desired boiler size.
Please be more specific and let me know if this was posted to our Classified Ads category by mistake, because if you just want advice on how to build such an appliance using StillDragon® parts, I will move this discussion to the correct category. I'd say it's highly unlikely that you will find a second hand setup fitting your description.
For all your StillDragon® needs please visit the website of your responsible distributor:
You do realize, that Classified Ads are for second hand goods only, right?
So you are looking for a used Vodka column, but you did not specify the desired boiler size.
Please be more specific and let me know if this was posted to our Classified Ads category by mistake, because if you just want advice on how to build such an appliance using StillDragon® parts, I will move this discussion to the correct category. I'd say it's highly unlikely that you will find a second hand setup fitting your description.
For all your StillDragon® needs please visit the website of your responsible distributor:
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Looking second hand 100 to 200 L boiler