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I've inherited a new partially built 500L pot belly still (model PB500L-A), attached is an 8" Dash Column Pro USG with 3 Bubble Plates. Can I make gin in this model by maceration and distilling with the botanicals in the wash either floating free or in muslin bags, do I need the 8" Copper Helmet? We don't have a 4" Infusion Basket, I think it is possibly too small for this size of still.
Much appreciated.
You stand a very high chance of scorching the botanicals with the direct heating elements, even with the agitator. Seat of pants, you need a gin basket of 2% of your capacity, a 50-60L works good with the 1L or so of the GB4, so a 10L basket would likely work good with the 500L. In my personal experience, I have used my 380L still with a 8"x20" spool and a screen like a gin basket(but with no backdrip protection), but have reverted to doing multiple batches in a 60L with the GB4. There is a distinct benefit to running so many batches in the experience you get....
Remember that for maceration this is only for Juniper and coriander and nothing else otherwise you will run the risk of scorching as @CothermanDistilling has prior mentioned. The rest must either go into suspended bags or a gin basket.
you can always macerate in a separate tank then strain the botanicals out before running. or macerate for a day or so in the still with the botanicals in a bag that you remove before running.
lots of ways to do things - you just need to work out what works best for you
I saw a video and this is what the guy at monkey 47 does. Mascerates at 25% the juniper and coriander and runs the liquid through the still. All other botanicals are in the basket.
they have some awesome videos... and a great web page...
Was watching some of their videos this morning. Professional and full of fun.
Much appreciated, thanks.