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Quite a few new customers this year with rigs from 50 litres to 500 litres shipping to;
Shipping soon to Murray's Brewery a nice little 200l 5" gin rig so they can expand their range. I'm sure i've forgotten a few, but welcome to the StillDragon family one and all.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Welcome and best wishes moving forward.
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Nice! Reg at Ironbark makes a nice moonshine
Well Punkin, You have supplied the gear for my startup here in Mendoza Argentina but I dont think I can call myself an Australian distillery. Thanks mate. You can add me to the list when I start making product. I think I am still Australian. I still say mate and Gday all the time. But you cant do that in Spanish and definitely not Argentine Spanish. Che! is the same though.
In a roundabout way i guess i have.
@yurgle Reg is over in London right now receiving some well earned awards. Seems he not only makes a nice moonshine, but the best traditional style Gin in Australia and possibly yet the world as well.
SPECIAL REPORT: World Drinks Awards 2017
Lets wish him luck in the judging tomorrow.
I didn't notice either that our own @Ryno got a Best in Australia for his Sheeps Whey Vodka either. Another one done on StillDragon equipment.
Good luck also to Ryan.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Now that's a classic, i posted on @Ryno s facebook congratulating him of the win and he responded that it was the first he'd heard of it. :D
Fingers crossed for both of the StillDragon family members at the announcement tomorrow.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Dying to know what happened here and can't find any updates. Anyone in London?
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
SPECIAL REPORT: World Drinks Awards 2017
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
Yes that's the link i put two posts up.
It doesn't yet have an announcement of the winners of each category unless i'm missing something?
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
World Gin Awards 2017
You have to search each Category seperately..
Thanks mate, pretty sure that wasn't up earlier. Neither of our guys got the gold, but well done to both of them for sure.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Shipping to Murray's Brewery at Port Stephens NSW this week a 200l 8 plate Crystal Dragon rig in 5" with a GB4 for them to have a dabble with.
I'll have to do a little tour when i help install the Be All at Richmond in a couple weeks and visit some of the new rigs at Erina and Ports Stephens on my way home.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Mr @punkin Are Murrays Brewery going to use a gin basket and if so what is it going to be on 200l boiler. I looked at a huge one in @kid video today adapted on a double dragon to carter head gin basket. Looks great.
The are getting an 8 plate Crystal Dragon in 5" with the GB4 gin basket. Same as the McHenry's one but two extra plate sections.
I do have some standalone gin baskets coming in 8" that will be suitable for the 380 and up boilers.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
hey mate, How much will the 8" gin basket going to cost ??
I won't know till it's landed and i work out the price into store.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
That pricked your ears up @DonMateo. My last gin was pretty good and looking at an all oz brew next using Lilly pilly gums and myrtles Boobialla and coastal Rosemary. Just gotta decide on the amounts and ready to go.
Would love to win lotto and buy a nice big boiler to complete what I got. Plus a higher ceiling. Mind you if any oz saw the ABC doco on Ice Wars there was a shot of the police impound yard and there was a few great looking possibly Stilldragon boilers in there so loosing it has to be a small worry. Stuff the stupid laws.
I'd very much like to look, do you know what episode and approx how far in? Can't even view it for some reason.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
4 part doco by memory only guessing part 3 - maybe 4 . I will have a look too and let you know.
38.58m in Episode 1 Just Google ABC Ice Wars and it came straight up.
Totally wrong again about episode.
Yeah not ours thankfully. I would have been contacted i'd reckon as our branding is all over our gear.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
A big welcome to @MRPISCO to the StillDragon family, they should have their 8" Dash rig delivered by early next week.
Margaret River Pisco
Also another 8" rig shipping to Kettering Tasmania for a new startup down that way early next week.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand