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As a real human being you either come from beer brewing to distilling, or the other way around. Brewing and distilling just belong together. You will never find commercial beer or booze as good as what you have created yourself, everybody knows that, and that may have been the reason why you started doing it in the first place!
To honor the world of beer, it's time to have our own Beer Thread!
You have some amazing beer in your glass?
Or have just created another spectacular home brew or craft beer?
Share your happiness, tell us all about it, post pictures and your recipes here!
Please do not just copy pictures from the Internet, but use your own photos whenever possible.
Please read our guideline for posting images and don't post more than one picture per day.
Have fun! :)
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This was my local brewery when I lived in Bayern. Not being able to get it in the States inspired me to start home brewing - in 1989.
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
I'm only a home brewer rather than a craft brewer, but i take it reasonably serious in scale.
I have 5 taps, 4 in my living room and one out the back in the entertaining area and brew 170 litre's at a time when i brew.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
Thanks for the thread @Moonshine
We did not have the necessary things locally to brew, but lately it is possible to buy kits online. They are bringing some hops also which was not available before too. I think they will be adding new things as demanded. I have already tried 6 of their kits.
Here we have mostly pilsner type beers sold, so we don't have much experience on different types and how they taste...
I would appreciate if mates share their preferences, and I can try them if the kit is available.
As distillers we have enough experience on fermentation and yeasts, and I have mashing experience too, so not much problem left in brewing, given that we can find the malts and especially the hops.
Cheers :)
@Sadi ales are much easier to brew, so you'll be happily surprised at the results for far less work and time, as well as almost always tasting good as long as you stick to good sanitation procedure. At least here in the US there is a difference in taste from coast to coast.
Also, these guys ship hops internationally from Washington state, aka hopland USA. Hope this opens some doors for you guys.
Yakima Valley Hops
I judged BOS in the 1996 AHA NHC with Pete Slosberg (Pete's Wicked...)
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
I just did my first all grain APA with Amarillo hops turned out fantastic and strong at 5.4% i had 3 pints when i tapped the keg with a mate and was nearly on the floor 20 mins later hahaha
The gas can be fiddly to find the sweet spot i found on the taps
Always wanted to grow my own hops
How do you fairly judge without being overly influenced by personal favorite profiles?
StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America
You judge according to style guidelines... yes, some people like one end of the spectrum of a style better than another, but the guidelines give commercial examples, and nearly always you judge in pairs which keeps things in check...
BJCP F0371 beer and mead judge, Cicerone
I just can't resist to repost that picture, because that ale is sooo good!
We had it as draft beer in a pub in London when we where there for the Craft Distilling Expo 2015. That is a really outstanding beer, and I was delighted when I found it bottled in a local super market, which in fact was quite a surprise, considering how far behind Austria is on ales (import and locally made ones). I grabbed a box of 24 bottles on a day with a 25% discount, because the regular price is a total rip-off. I mean, who the hell is buying the good stuff in tiny 33 cl bottles at a premium??? There is not a single ale here that comes in 50 cl!
StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area
Betcha can find Franziskanner Weisbeir in 500's.
Amarillo is one of my favourites @Johnboy, that and simcoe and centennial.
I have Cascade growing in three planters out the back @grim, the hail has decimated them 3 years running.
StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand
I was the first BJCP judge from Florida to achieve National rank. That's when I realised judging and competitions were more about ego than brewing. So I stopped participating. Beer competitions had become like bowling leagues. The constant drumbeat from the AHA and local homebrew clubs, "Compete, compete, compete!" Fun if you like that sort of stuff, I guess. Not what brewing is about, IMHO.
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
@kapea - I am friends with Jeff Gladish and often judge mead with Ron Bach... I did my test and now just judge for fun... no national or grand master poobah for me...
I know them both. Judged with them both. I knew Ron before he started brewing. Mac Monroe was my mentor.
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
@kapea - did you know Joe Rayho? He passed in 2002, the day after the last time 'the 24 hours of Belgium' was held... That is around when I got into homebrewing and we just had the last of his homebrew to celebrate his 57th birthday this last may... he won several competitions posthumously...
No. I never had the pleasure of meeting Joe. He sounds like a good brewer.
I stopped participating in homebrew competitions in 1999.
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
@Kapea, her in Aus, there are a few who love to brew to compete, however as a BJCP certified judge, myself and a lot of other judges are interested in sharing our knowledge / experience and helping others to improve their level of brewing. As a result I have to say that in the last couple of comps I have not had a single dodgy (infected or not to style) beer put before me.
The standard has definitely improved from the infected kit and kilo slop that people used to enter.
@SDeurope, mmm London pride. beautiful drop.
@Johnboy, drop me a PM with your email & I'll send you a spreadsheet on how to put together a balanced keg system.
Reminds me of BBQ competitions. I'm a certified KCBS judge as well as a competitor and half of the judging is by people who have never entered a contest. Listening to them "rate" the entry was a joke.
Lotta snobs in judging.
Been brewing for 3 years and never had an infection. Now, with my AG on grain ferment, I'm not that sure. Initial PH was 4.4, after a week it's now at 3.6. I see bubbling but the smell isn't really yeasty. Tasting, I don't detect any sugar anymore but it's acidic but not unpleasant. OG was 1057, now at 1040. Not sure now if I'm making malt vinegar or still a wash.
Any thoughts?
How was the krausen? On grain did you need to punch down the cap? .017 in a week sounds way too slow.
Punched down the cap every morning and evening. Krausen wasn't huge but I'm fermenting in a cooler so I can't really gage
Brewski = Beer (bier). Not fermented on the grain.
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
Why not? It's like a hefe ... A really really thick one.
Hefe is with yeast
I'm more like I am now than I was before.
Hefe actually is yeast.
Not 100% on topic but that doesn't seem to be an issue in this forum so far & conceptually fits in ;)
Didn't see the need to start an infected wash/mash thread...
That was a joke really
Tea Time
Brewski translates to Bierchen, so any kind of beer in its mellifluous form. ;)
StillDragon Europe - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Europe & the surrounding area
We ended up with about a kg of mixed hops this year Punkin. Mainly Cascade and Chinook.