ZBob here, renewing a howdy

I'm coming up for air after an attack of both illness and the attendant stupidity and Sloth..

I've missed you guys a lot but a combination of several health difficulties have laid me out for a few years and, vision problems and some serious inattention mean that accounts have decayed and unpaid links have gone to hell bookselling accounts are messed up and things generally have gone to hell.

All that notwithstanding I'm seriously happy to be back in contact with the batch of you. I stopped working at Colders Bay distillery with the onset of the stroke and amazingly the the lady who owns it is able to with friends and and help keep it going and improve the quality of the of the whiskies and brandies so I can't complain there.

As a part of climbing back on the horse as it were I'm making contact with with you guys and letting you know that I have started work on the second book that I've been promising for decades and it's mostly about what I've learned in actually trying to to put together a money making distillery producing serious quality products.

I'll be just generally making contact and catching up and I will be asking a few questions of what's current best thinking on a few issues that I've got so until then God it's good to be back in contact with you guys and stay out of trouble if you can..

By the way if any of this looks funny it's because I'm using speech to text to compose this because I'm getting pretty blind at this point.

Zymurgy Bob, a simple potstiller

my book, Making Fine Spirits


  • Oh for heavens sake ZB, it's really good to hear from you.

    Definitely sad to hear about some of your struggles.

    What ever speach to text app you are using seems plenty good to me.

    I'm sure some of the mobb will chime shortly.

    StillDragon North America - Your StillDragon® Distributor for North America

  • Hi @zymurgybob, Sorry to hear about your troubles, but great to hear that you are bouncing back.

    Feel free to ask away.

    Glad to hear you're working on a new book.

  • He still alive, welcome back.

    Your Place to be >>> www.StillDragon.org <<< Home of the StillDragon® Community Forum

  • I was wondering what happened to you mate. I thought you were older than god or just immortal when I started reading your stuff about 7 years ago and I was wondering what happened to you. To be honest mate everytime I do a spirit run and I think of you and the technique you shared with me and I mention your name. Like making a prayer to the whiskey gods, praying for your good health and longevity.

  • Hey Bob, good to see you posting. Good luck with the book.

    StillDragon Australia & New Zealand - Your StillDragon® Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

  • Glad to see you back Bob!

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